Have you ever walked up to a vending machine and it had the sign on it that read, "Out of order?" You wanted what was in the machine, you had a craving for it all day but you could not get it because it was out of order. The only way you could receive from it is by the right person coming to fix it.
As I continue to grow in my walk with God, I have a lot of friends that I would love to experience His love and mercy but they often say, “let me get my life in order before I begin to be serious with God.” I always laugh at the remark, not that I am judging but because I was once at that stage. Thinking that I have to perfect in order for me to get to know God.
If you look at Romans 5:8, it says, "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” See we think we have to be perfect, while God just wants us to be present.
We say, "I will wait until I get things in order." While God says, "I want you whether you are in order or not." He did not say to Jesus, "Wait until everyone in the world gets themselves together and then you can go down and die for them." No, He said, "Go, be that doorway for the world to me, whether they are perfect or not, sinners or believers... Go." If God did not require us to be perfect to sacrifice His own son's life, why do we feel that we need to be perfect to let Him into our life? We have become comfortable in our mess.
I was at a place where I was "out of order" and how can anyone receive from me if I am not working. People who I thought were there, left. Things I thought I could depend on went away. It was not until God came into my life and fixed me, even when there were times when I felt like there was no one to help me.
Just like the vending machine that is in service, people will love you when you give them what they want; their love is conditional. God love is unconditional; His love for you now is still the same as it was when you were born. He does not mind you being out of order because He knows He can fix you, He can still get a message out of your mess. What He does mind is the fact that most people rather remain out of order.
Now you can keep running to other people and things, seeking them to fix you and they will fall short. They cannot fix you because they did not create you. When I put a dollar into the machine, and it does not give me what I want... I am going to kick and shake that machine until I get it or I would tell others not to use the machine. Sometimes people will talk about you, judge you, and do anything but help you in your tough times. Most people love is often give and take, while God will love you no matter what. How do I know? Because He sent His son before hand to die for us all even before we even said we would live for Him.
You may be out of order right now but God does not want you to remain that way. Why? When you're working the way He created you to be, everyone will believe in and desire a relationship with Him. Just like the vending machine that has snacks people desire, you have a story to share, love to give, and a testimony to tell to the world. God wants to get you in order so others can receive His love from you.
Maybe you use to attend church often and lost a relationship with Him. Maybe you have done some things that you feel are unforgivable. Certain people have called you things in your life and now you do not feel like you have worth. It's not too late; He wants you just the way you are. There is no need to get fly or put makeup on; just receive His love. Please take the time to say this prayer.
Father, I know I messed up. I need you. Help me in this time. I know you do not require me to be perfect but God to be perfectly honestly I do not feel like I'm worth it. Help me see my worth, Lord fix me, help me. I give my life to you and I believe that your Son died for my sins. Help wash my clean, help get me back in order. In Jesus name, Amen.
You have taken the first step to getting in order. Now let's begin this journey together. Take some time today to download the Bible app on your phone and start a devotional to help feed you in your walk. I will be praying for you and I know God is working right now as we speak; sending the right people and blessings to help you to get back in order!! Be blessed.
With Love,
Big Bro Mike